
Presidency of the Court

Deputy President of the Court: Dr. Concettina Epifanio

Ordinary e-mail [email protected]

Certified e-mail of the Presidency (only for administrative communications, not trial) [email protected]

The President of the Court is the Magistrate in charge in the ordinary Court. It has administrative tasks and other roles, conferred by the law. Both civil and penal trial law provide for his position, which is assisted by the Presidents of Section according to the prevision of the program of office organization approved by the magistrates’ governing body.

In compliance with the article 1 legislative decree 25 July 2006 n.240, the title and the representation of the Office in its relations with institutional authorities and with attorneys of other judicial Offices, and also competency to choose the needed procedures to organise the judiciary activity and related to the staff management of the magistrature and its legal condition, are attributed to the Magistrate, head of the judiciary office.

He practices, by proxy of the magistrates’ governing body, surveillance on the judiciary activity of the Offices of the Judge of Peace.

He practises, in compliance with the Presidential Decree 1229/59 and following modifications and integrations and in compliance with the Collective National Agreement of Work, the control, the surveillance and the management of the staff ‘Office for communication and protest’.

He is, finally, employer of the employed personnel in compliance with and for the effect of the legislation on hygiene and security in the place of work, ex legislative decree 9 April 2008 n. 81 (Newsletter 31 October 2006 n. 39434/U Ministry of Justice)